
How to open your own restaurant business from scratch and get the lifestyle you deserve

Since your last vacation you know it. That feeling, the peace inside while you were sitting at the restaurant  looking over the sea. Or was it while visiting a famous city? 

The moment has come to make a change. 

It’s time to take that step which for far too many years you’ve put off. Again and again. Each time wasn’t the right time.

Maybe, right now, like me, many years ago, you are sitting in your boring office and looking out the window. You have just one thought in your mind. Packing all your stuff and going. 

Yes, but going where? And doing what? 

I know exactly what you feel like. I ́ve been there too. Fear is blocking you. Your family and friends telling you to stay. Someone literally warning you about the consequences. 

Of course you have doubts. Lots of questions jumping around in your head. But don’t ́t panic. Think for a moment about what you really want. You can achieve everything you want. It will be like when you learned to walk. Step after step. Informed and intelligent steps.

While I am writing these lines I remember many circumstances and moments I have gone through. I have lived and worked in a dozen different countries and have started from scratch many times. 

The truth is that you never stop learning. Especially when you decide to be your own boss. But if you can learn something from other people’s mistakes it can make a huge difference. It will save you money and time. Trust me.

So, if you are thinking of opening your own cafeteria or restaurant business, but have no idea where to start, then you are at the right place! 

If you want to discover more keep reading all my future posts and get instant access to my Free Report. Here you will discover what you can achieve and how my partner Fiorenza and I did it many years ago.

Then, If you think you are ready to start you can get my tutorial where I´ll tell you all I have learned over the last three decades in the hospitality industry. I´ve put a ton of work into that course in order to help you.

And to be honest I think that if you go through it and you can avoid losing money and time thanks to the lessons I have gone through over the time and which I gonna share with you, then it was worth the effort!

As simple as this! Stay tuned and think about it.

Marco Palatini

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You Want To Open A Restaurant, But Have No Idea Where To Start From?

Get my book ” The Ultimate Guide To Opening A Restaurant Business” and discover all you should know about this industry before spending a penny.


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